Plan, Declutter and Organize

Plan, Declutter and Organize

In our fast-paced, cluttered world, the pursuit of a simpler, more meaningful life has become a universal aspiration. Our motto at The Neat and Cozy House is Plan, Declutter and Organize and the quest for simplicity isn’t just about getting rid of physical clutter; it extends to decluttering our minds, schedules, and surroundings. To achieve this, we need a well-structured plan, efficient decluttering strategies, and effective organization techniques. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the three crucial steps to simplify your life: Planning, Decluttering, and Organizing. Each step is a building block toward a more organized and simplified life. Along the way, we’ll also introduce specific products that can aid you in your journey.

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3 Important Steps to Simplify Your Life: Plan, Declutter and Organize

Step 1: Plan

Why Planning is the First and Fundamental Step when you Plan, Declutter and Organize

Planning is the bedrock upon which the edifice of a simplified life is constructed. It serves as the North Star guiding you through the maze of modern living. Its importance transcends being merely the first step; it is the very foundation upon which your journey to a more streamlined and meaningful existence rests. Here’s a more in-depth exploration of why planning holds this pivotal role:

Setting Clear Goals: 

Planning starts with identifying what you want to achieve by simplifying your life. Are you seeking more free time, reduced stress, improved focus, or a better work-life balance? Without clearly defined goals, your efforts can become scattered, making it challenging to measure progress.

Prioritizing What Matters: 

Life is filled with countless demands and distractions. Firstly, planning allows you to identify your priorities and allocate your resources—time, energy, and attention—towards what truly matters. By doing so, you can make more informed decisions about how to spend your time.

Creating a Roadmap: 

A well-crafted plan acts as your personal roadmap. It outlines the specific steps you need to take coupled with the order in which to tackle tasks, and the timeline for achieving your goals. This roadmap not only guides your actions but also keeps you motivated and accountable.

Minimizing Overwhelm: 

Without a plan, the idea of simplifying your life can be overwhelming. Planning breaks down this monumental task into smaller, manageable steps. It’s like dissecting a complex puzzle into individual pieces, making it easier to solve.

Resource Allocation: 

Simplifying your life often involves making choices about what to keep and what to let go of. Planning helps you allocate your resources—both tangible and intangible—efficiently. You can decide where to invest your time, money, and emotional energy based on your priorities.

Products to Aid in Planning

To assist you in the planning phase, consider using the following products:

Planner or Notebook:

  • A physical planner or a digital notebook can serve as a central hub for your goals, to-do lists, and schedules. It’s where you capture your thoughts, track progress, and stay organized.

Time Management Apps:

  • Utilize digital tools like Todoist, Trello, or TimeTree to create task lists, set deadlines, and manage your time effectively. These apps offer features for project planning and task prioritization.

Goal Setting Journals:

  • These specialized journals help you define and track your goals, making it easier to break them down into actionable steps. They often include prompts for reflection and planning.

Incorporating these products into your planning process can enhance your ability to set, manage, and achieve your simplification goals. Remember that planning is not just a one-time activity; it’s an ongoing process that evolves as your life changes. With a well-structured plan in place, you’ll be better equipped to move on to the subsequent steps of decluttering and organizing with confidence and purpose.

Step 2: Declutter

Plan, Declutter and Organize

Why Decluttering is the Crucial Second Step when you Plan, Declutter and Organize

Decluttering is where the tangible transformation towards a simplified life begins. It’s more than just tidying up; it’s about making mindful choices about what you keep and what you let go of. Here’s why decluttering follows planning and why it’s such a vital step:

Focused Action: 

Planning helps you identify areas of your life that need decluttering the most. By prioritizing what matters, you can channel your decluttering efforts where they’ll have the most significant impact. This focus ensures that your decluttering efforts are purposeful and effective.

Reduced Decision Fatigue: 

Without a plan, you might feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of items or commitments to declutter. Planning provides a sequence and structure, reducing the mental load of constantly deciding what to tackle next. This, in turn, makes the process less mentally taxing and more sustainable.

Streamlined Goals: 

As you declutter, you may discover that certain possessions or commitments no longer align with your goals. Planning keeps you on track to eliminate these distractions and make room for what truly matters. Whether it’s letting go of physical possessions that no longer serve you or saying “no” to time-consuming obligations, decluttering helps you realign your life with your priorities.

Emotional Release: 

Decluttering isn’t just about physical items; it’s also about letting go of emotional baggage. As you declutter your physical space, you may find that it’s a therapeutic process that helps you release attachments to material things. This emotional release can lead to a sense of freedom and clarity.

Why Decluttering Before Organizing?

Decluttering precedes organizing because it’s essential to clear away the excess before creating efficient systems. Imagine trying to organize a messy, cluttered closet – it’s challenging and often counterproductive. Here’s why decluttering comes before organizing:


A clutter-free space is much easier to organize. As a result, with fewer items to deal with, you can create efficient storage solutions and systems that make sense.

Preventing Re-Cluttering: 

If you organize without decluttering, you might end up organizing items you don’t need or use. Furthermore, this can lead to quick re-cluttering, negating your efforts.

Clarity and Space: 

Decluttering opens up physical and mental space. It provides a blank canvas on which to build an organized and simplified life.

Products to Aid in Decluttering

To make your decluttering process smoother, consider using these products:

Storage Bins and Organizers:

  • Elevate your organization game with a versatile array of storage solutions. From practical storage bins and stylish baskets to handy drawer dividers and space-saving closet organizers, these tools are more than just neatening agents. They are the backbone of efficient categorization and storage. Whether it’s corralling kids’ toys, sorting seasonal clothes, or tidying up a cluttered office, these storage aids provide the infrastructure you need.

Label Maker:

  • For a touch of precision in your organizational endeavors, consider the label maker. Beyond mere convenience, it’s a game-changer in keeping order. By labeling containers, drawers, and shelves clearly, you create an organized system where everything is easily identifiable. No more rummaging or guesswork; your label maker transforms your space into an efficient, well-ordered sanctuary. It’s like a catalog system for your possessions, making your life simpler and more streamlined.

Donation and Recycling Bins:

  • Decluttering isn’t just about your space; it’s about your impact on the world. Establish designated bins for donations and recycling to infuse your decluttering with a sense of responsibility. These bins symbolize your commitment to reducing waste and helping others. Items that no longer serve you can find new purpose through donation, and recyclable materials get a second life. So, as you simplify your life, you’re also contributing to a greener, more compassionate world.


  • In the digital age, some documents still require physical handling, but they must be disposed of securely. A shredder is the answer. It simplifies the task of discarding sensitive papers while ensuring your information stays confidential. Beyond streamlining your paperwork, it offers peace of mind knowing that your private data is safe. The shredder acts as a guardian of your personal information, allowing you to focus on decluttering and organizing the rest of your life.

Decluttering can be a liberating experience, and the products mentioned above can assist you in making thoughtful decisions about what to keep, what to discard, and how to organize the items you cherish. In addition, by mastering the art of decluttering, you pave the way for the final step—organizing—which is essential for maintaining a simplified and harmonious life.

Step 3: Organize

Plan, Declutter and Organize

Why Organizing is the Essential Final Step when you Plan, Declutter and Organize

Lastly, Organizing, the final step in your quest for a simplified life, represents the pinnacle of your efforts. It’s the crescendo that harmonizes all your previous endeavors, blending planning and decluttering into a symphony of simplicity. This phase isn’t just a conclusion; it’s the vital bridge that connects your aspirations to a sustainable, clutter-free reality. Here’s why organizing is not merely the concluding act but indeed an indispensable one:

Efficiency and Accessibility: 

With a decluttered space or schedule, organizing becomes more efficient because you’re not organizing unnecessary items or activities, but only what’s essential. As a matter of fact, this efficiency translates into better time management and a smoother daily routine. Organized spaces are also easier to navigate, saving you time searching for items.


Organizing is about creating systems and routines that keep clutter at bay. Without effective organization, your hard-won decluttering efforts might be short-lived. An organized home, for example, ensures that items have designated places, making it easier to put them away after use. Similarly, organizing your schedule with routines ensures that you stay on track with your priorities.

Peace of Mind: 

An organized space and schedule contribute to a sense of order and control. This reduces stress and enhances your overall well-being. When you know where everything is and have a clear plan for your day, you can approach each task with confidence and less anxiety.


Life is dynamic, and your needs may change over time. Likewise, organizing systems are adaptable. They can evolve with your life, accommodating new possessions, responsibilities, or goals. This adaptability ensures that your simplified lifestyle remains relevant and effective.

Why Organizing After Decluttering?

Organizing follows decluttering because it builds upon the foundation of a clutter-free environment. Here’s why organizing comes after decluttering:

Focused Effort: 

Decluttering reduces the volume of items you need to organize, allowing you to focus your organizing efforts on what truly matters.

Space Optimization: 

An organized space is more than just tidy; it’s optimized for functionality. Once you’ve decluttered, you can design storage solutions and systems that maximize your available space.

Reduced Relapse Risk: 

Without a decluttered environment, organizing can be an exercise in futility. You might end up organizing items that should have been discarded during decluttering, leading to a quick return to clutter.

Products to Aid in Organizing

To assist you in the organizing phase, consider using these products:

Shelving Units:

  • To optimize your space effectively, consider the installation of versatile shelving units. Whether it’s wall-mounted shelves, bookshelves, or closet shelving systems, these additions not only maximize your vertical storage but also contribute to efficient organization and stylish displays. By incorporating these shelving units into your home, you create a multi-dimensional organizational haven where each item has a designated spot, making accessibility a breeze while elevating the aesthetics of your living spaces.

Storage Containers:

  • Expand your organizational arsenal with an assortment of storage containers, ranging from clear plastic bins to decorative baskets. These containers not only aid in categorizing and storing items with precision but also add an element of tasteful aesthetics to your spaces. By investing in a diverse range of storage solutions, you not only maintain accessibility but also elevate the visual appeal of your storage areas, turning them into functional and aesthetically pleasing showcases.

Drawer Organizers:

  • For impeccably tidy drawers, consider the addition of drawer dividers and organizers. These unsung heroes of organization prevent small items from devolving into a chaotic jumble, ensuring that each drawer serves as a well-ordered storage sanctuary. By integrating these organizers into your drawers, you’ll not only declutter but also elevate your daily experience with seamlessly organized essentials.

Calendar / Command Center

  • Maintaining the delicate balance of an organized life is made simpler with the assistance of a calendar / command center. These invaluable tools enable you to schedule tasks, appointments, and routines with precision, ensuring that you stay on track with your goals. They’re your trusted companions in navigating life’s complexities, providing structure, clarity, and peace of mind as you traverse the pathways of your organized existence.

Digital Organization Tools:

  • In our increasingly digital world, the battle against digital clutter is as crucial as the fight against physical chaos. Harness the power of digital organization tools such as note-taking apps, cloud storage, and task management software to keep your digital life impeccably organized. These tools, with their capability to manage emails, documents, and digital clutter, not only streamline your digital existence but also enhance your productivity and digital peace of mind, ensuring that your organized life extends seamlessly into the digital realm.

By mastering the art of organizing, you ensure that your simplified life isn’t just a temporary state but a sustainable and ongoing practice. Organizing is the glue that holds your simplified life together, providing the structure and order necessary to maintain a sense of calm, focus, and balance. With the right organizing strategies and products in place, you’ll be well-prepared to embrace the simplicity and peace that comes with a well-organized life.

Embracing Simplicity for a Fuller Life: Plan, Declutter and Organize

Simplifying your life is a transformative journey that begins with planning, progresses through decluttering, and culminates in organization. Each step is interconnected and essential for achieving lasting simplicity and peace. 

As you embark on this journey to plan, declutter and organize, remember that the right products can be valuable allies in your quest for a simpler, more meaningful life. Whether it’s a planner, storage bins, or shelving units, these tools can help you streamline your efforts and make your path to simplicity smoother and more achievable. So, start planning today, declutter with purpose, and organize for a life that’s truly simplified.

Head to the BLOGS page to read more about planning, decluttering and organizing.

Plan, Declutter and Organize 

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